And she also gave me some nice meditative knitting. I neglected many other duties and knit the beginnning of a sock. The picture was taken at night and isn't great. What you can't tell is that the sock is about the right size for a lumberjack. I could tell this 1/4 in into the ribbing, but I couldn't bring myself to stop. I just had to get to the lace pattern. What you also can't see is that something went horribly wrong with the lace pattern, and I still don't know exactly what I did wrong. To tell you the truth, I just didn't care when I was staying up to late knitting. I just wanted to watch the subtle change of color, and play with my needles. I'm going to figure out what to do before I rip it out.
I have so many more pictures to post...but they'll wait for another mood, I guess.