Well, I finished two squares for the Square-a-long and got them mailed off. I'm really excited to see that finished product!

Valerie has offered to knit some squares for a blanket for my baby. Yeah! I think we'll do a trade. I've been thinking about color palettes. Valerie has some pretty orange shaded yarn, and my baby's bedroom-to-be is light blue. I'm crocheting him a deep red and gray apghan (tradition to crochet one for each child). How about something like this?

I've started making some progress on hubby's sweater. It was going very slowly with a cable needle. Since only one stitch went on the needle, the needle kept falling out. I finally searched the web for info on cabling without a needle. It's perfect for this application, and I've learned a new skill. Yeah! Thanks everyone for your generous tutorials.